Monday 26 September 2011

Thing 17: Prezi and slideshare

Just signed up for an account on Prezi. Had a look at some demos and tutorials but cannot for the life of me figure out how create a prezi.  It seems very hard to use.  I can add shapes etc. but cannot add text.  It's very strange.  I don't like to give up but I just don't have the time and patience for Prezi at the moment.  I'm going to go back to the last task and create podcasts instead.  I might give Prezi another go some other time.

Slideshare is great.  I have viewed a few presentations on slideshare before and found them very useful. I much prefer to learn through viewing slides than reading documents.  I have never presented with slides before so will try and create some instructions using Powerpoint instead of Word.

Friday 16 September 2011

Thing 19 integrating

I have learnt a great deal since I joined the cpd23 programme. The things I found most useful so far are RSS feeds, Evernote, Google Docs and podcasts subscription. I have been able to make use of these instantly and will carry on using them. They are tools that enhance my Internet experience and help me with my personal and work life.
Pushnote, Google calendar and citation are tools that I will not be using in the near future but might come in handy some day.

It has not all been smooth sailing however.  Many of these web based tools are blocked from my work PC. Some are frustratingly unreliable. Nevertheless I feel more knowledgeable and proud that I have achieved so much in 13 weeks.

Thing 18: Jing / Screen capture / Podcasts

I had fun playing around with Jing. Only managed to capture an image, added an arrow and a text box but it's still an accomplishment! I was unable to share it at this time but hopefully it will be working by the time I finish this post, in which case I will include a link to it. It's a useful screen capture tool. It saves us time re-creating things but we have to think about the copyright implication when using something like this. Is it enough citing the source or is it necessary to obtain permission? I suppose it all depends. We just need to be careful when using someone else's work to check their copyright statement.

Unfortunately the free version is a bit unreliable so I can't get a link to the screen capture that I did.  I had a look at the other screen capture tools mentioned but didn't find anything suitable for me.

Podcasts: now I know why I haven't been able to listen to any podcasts. I need another software! I am pleased to report that I can now subscribe to the New York Time book reviews that I've been wanting to listen to for ages.  Thank you so much for showing me the light!

I now have the facility to record a podcast but still have to learn about creating feeds for them so people can subscribe. seems to be a chargeable service so I'll be searching the Internet for a free equivalent. will host sound files for free but there's no mention of creating feeds to them. The search continues.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Thing 16: Advocacy and speaking up for the profession

I feel bad because at age 38, I still haven't spoken out for the profession.  I need to do something about it. I will start by registering as a mentor to help CILIP chartership candidates obtain their qualifications. I'll try and think of something else.  I have always find it difficult to articulate myself and allowed it to be a hindrance to my career progession. I'll remember not to allow myself to take a back seat on any situation and force myself to be involved in the professional. I am ready to start!

Friday 2 September 2011

Thing 15: Events etc.

I have attended many events in my professional career but I am still nervous every time due to the pressure of networking and getting the most out of the investment. Relaxing and trying to take in the picture is a good advice that I will try next time.

I am terrified of public speaking so being a speaker is a hard task for me. It is something I would like more practice of but don't like the idea of inflicting it on myself. I have done it twice and it's not as bad as I fear but still very stressful. I have learnt that the audience always want me to do well so I shouldn't worry about them. An advice that I received and found it very useful is "it's not about me". I'm doing it for my audience's benefit. This mantra helps me focus and pay attention to my audience and their reactions which means that I forget how nervous I am.

I am part of a CILIP CDG committee so I do help out with organising small training sessions and visits etc. It's a great way to learn new skills. I certainly recommend it. I am an introvert so being part of a group helps draw me out of my shell. I just need to work on my communication skills a bit harder especially how to talk to strangers!

Thing 14: Zotero / Mendeley / Citeulike

Three new resources that I have never heard of, which I have now explored and find that they are not relevant to me at this time.  I can see that it may be useful for those two are compiling a reading list for the purpose of writing an article or dissertation. I'll know now if anyone ever ask me about resources for researchers.